
Obrázek uživatele Karin Schecter
Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuji téma ze 3.4. "Rozkaz zněl jasně".


"I thought I was clear," his father said. "I am not having this under my roof!"
"I am not drinking under your roof," Victor replied.
"Do you think I'm stupid? Drinking, drugs... whores!"
The punch that followed was strong enough that Victor almost lost his footing.
"Have some responsibility! You are getting married, for God's sake!"
Victor didn't answer. It didn't matter if it meant his father will hit him again. Nothing mattered. He licked his busted lip and waited. He wasn't living anyway. He was barely surviving. And a large dark hole grew where his heart used to be.


Obrázek uživatele Tenny

Oh no, I wanna hug him. Poor man. It must be difficult to live against yourself. :(

Obrázek uživatele tif.eret

not easy situation. So sorry for him.

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